Enrollment Procedures for MJ1
To enroll your child at Minocqua J1 School District:
1.) Call the front office or email eskubal@mhlt.org to receive enrollment form.
2.) Bring in your child's birth certificate for us to view (we do not need a copy).*
3.) Provide proof of residency with a copy of your phone bill, electric bill, etc., with your address printed on it. (If not in Minocqua J1 School District you must complete open enrollment paperwork in the correct timeframe.)
4.) Make a copy of your child's most up-to-date immunization list for school records.*
5.) Sign the school's copy of your child's enrollment form .
*Note - if your child is coming from another school we will request records when we receive the enrollment form. These records may contain birth certificate information and immunization information which we would then be able to use for our records.