After School Resource Program
Minocqua J1 School Districts After-School Resource Program is open to all Minocqua J1 4th-8th graders. It meets on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m.. Staff will be supervising the program and providing assistance with homework, library use, and project completion. This is a free service with a snack provided.
Your permission is required for attending the program. By signing the permission slip your child will be eligible throughout the year for this service. Your child will also need to read and sign the program agreement. The signed sheet needs to be returned to Deb Hunter prior to attending the After School Resource Program. It is your child's responsibility to let you know in advance that he/she will be staying after school for this program and to bring the supplies needed to successfully work on assignments.
We hope your child will take advantage of this program. It provides greater access to teacher assistance, library resources, and computer time. If you have any questions please contact Deb Hunter: